Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Dreaming by iiurmomwhat
- Something I wrote in my younger years. I know it's not the best but it still means alot to me.
- Acidic Ink, Tears of Pain by Chrona_13
- This poem is from Chrona's pov again. It's about her curse of the black blood and a little bit of family issues as well. This is my original work. Please rate of 4 or 5, comment and enjoy. :D P.S. It is in free verse.
- american idol reject by Snocks
- I made this poem when i was just really bored. please coment and rate. enjoy
- One Left Behind by Corgan of the Seven Winds
- A times I find myself with an odd pairing of words. These grow into a sentence that nags me until I see it wishes to grow. Sometimes they come to me in minutes, yet others take a week or more before I find out what flower bloom...
- Hiding by mei aizen11
- somthing juz I wana share
- I've always.... by MissCaliBeatz
- This was a poem I wrote my mom after me and her got into a big fight while she was away in Iraq......
- Anit- V-day poem by DSphinx
- I wrote this last year for valentines day this is for all the people you know who you are who are just not in the valentines day spirit. read the disclaimer after you read the poem. this is also the PG version if you want to r...
- My mom by Dolphin662
- this is a poem for my mom for valentines day tell me what u think and vote if u like
- You Love A Good Many Men by -x- Fridge -x-
- So, it was for Valentine's Day. It's not necessarily what happened to me, but I figured a lot of people didn't care for this holiday, so it's just a different viewpoint. Kyx (Because I am sa...
- Invisible by iOsamu Dazai
- A true love story...
- a song i wrote by deadley_blood
- my song is lovely lol
- I see nothing by ClairvoyantObstruction
- this is just another free-verse poem i was playing around with. again, personal. again, second entry, so bear with me and vote fairly!
- Numb by l Serendipity l
- I guess this is how I've been feeling lately. Whenever my talk button goes off, my writing on goes on. I can never really win. Ah, well. Its worth it.
- pain by safetypin10
- idk......i got bored and started thinking of random sentences and it brought me to this
- Death ... by PetitEspoir
- Yes, about a million people do poems on death, but really, I want to enter mine so I will! This poem is about a man who welcomed eath after hiding from it for so many years Xx
- What I feel and Say by StarOnTheRise0524
- I dont know I was bored