• Darkness calls
    Signaling to the forgotten mind,
    Calling for a master,
    A child of misery
    Answers the darkness,
    Consumed by his doubt,
    Led by a dream,
    A product of the red haze's eyes,
    A dream of a tyrant's rule,
    Fueled by an everlasting spite,
    Born from hatred of the mocking eyes.
    He molds the darkness in his mind,
    Forming the power of untold demise,
    Death and Misery in his hands,
    Standing at the pathways of Heaven and Hell,
    He walks forward,
    Darkness leaking from his mind,
    Forming in the palm of his hand.
    Crimson liquid flies,
    Tears and screams,
    Laughter and Pain,
    As the bodies hit the floor.
    the chilling smile on his face,
    All that decorates his path,
    Walking towards the flames,
    Laughing at those who had forgotten.
    Pleased with his works,
    The darkness grows stronger,
    The crimson liquid rises,
    Forming an ocean of lost life,
    All could have been avoided,
    All could have been safe,
    If only they had noticed,
    Their fun was his pain,
    All the mocking,
    All the laughter,
    All the cruel words,
    If only they had noticed,
    This is what causes the darkness to call.