• The world is ours to shape and build,
    So let's fix all our mistakes.
    Let's heal the wounds the war has left
    and do whatever it takes.
    Let's stop polluting all our air,
    Then help to feed the poor.
    The world is ours to help and fix,
    So let's all try some more.
    Let's substitute our energy source,
    Let's recycle our trash.
    Let's volunteer some of our time,
    And give charities with cash.
    Let's find some strays some loving homes,
    Let's build someone a home,
    Let's all clean up a park or beach,
    And make sure no one's alone.
    If all of us could spare the time,
    If everyone would care,
    Then our Earth would be a better place,
    A nicer place to share.