• Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe you,
    You are more like a single red rose in a winter wasteland,
    Filled with a radiance & a exquisite remonder of hope,
    Drawing all living things to you because you remind them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel,
    That there is an end to the dreary abyss filled existance that winter has left them in.

    I want, no I need to see you dazzling smile again,
    Of all natures gifts,
    Your smile is the most breathtaking thing that god ever created.

    When I see you covered in the aluminating moonlight,
    I see a true god,
    A true incarnation of aphrodite,
    &The simply serene
    The elegant grace that exudes from your uncalculating mind,
    Stuns me to the point that all I can do is stand there in an awestruck pose & to smile with all my might.

    My darling, My sweet heart, My love,
    Even if we part from each others company,
    It will not be of my free will,
    As to be parted from you would be the same as having my soul reffed from my body & my heart being shattered into a million pieces,
    Stabbing at my spirit & faith.

    So please of all my tresures you are the greatest,
    So don't leave me in the dark,
    Don't leave me tonight,
    Because I love you and always will
    Because I need you,
    Forever more I will be yours