• She waits....
    For the promise that will never be fulfilled
    She waits....
    For the end of pain that is nowhere in sight
    She waits....
    eternally for the love that was so harshly stolen
    Yet she knows these desires
    These longings can never be
    So she waits...
    She waits....
    as her eyes become defined by sadness
    she waits...
    as her soul is engulfed by darkness
    She waits
    as her soul continues to wander
    seeing only an understanding

    She watches....
    As the world looks right through her
    She watches...
    as the blood trickles down her arm
    She watches...
    as her vision becomes clouded by tears
    She knows that no one else sees
    and they will never see
    so she just watches
    She watches...
    as they all forget
    She watches...
    as the lights start to dim
    She watches
    as she tried to remember the beginning
    and is unable to find the end

    She feels ...
    the loneliness that holds her
    She feels...
    The emptiness that defined her
    She feels...
    What others can not
    She feels for the world
    yet no one feels for her
    still she feels
    She feels...
    as the blood trickles down
    She feels...
    as her life slips away
    she feels everything yet nothing at all

    She sought....
    an answer not ever knowing the question
    she lived....
    For the love she would never receive
    She understood...
    That it wouldn't make the slightest difference
    She loved
    She dreamed
    She believed....

    And now....

    She dies