• Long ago across the sea,
    A land besiege by war,
    Men fought for what they believe,
    Both the wealthy and poor.

    The light of god led the fourth,
    The world to them was so small,
    Sword and Arrow and the Torch,
    Weapons to be feared by all,

    A man walking about the land,
    met by a maiden fair,
    from the lake she rose to greet,
    she gave him a gift to bare,

    The man arose not the child he was,
    but a king to rule with pride,
    Excalibur the Blade in his hand,
    upon a white horse he did ride,

    Arthur, Arthur,
    Where is your hymn?
    Where are the words to guide?

    Arthur, Arthur,
    A courageous man,
    Your only defeat was by pride.

    He led the kingdom to war for hope,
    He wished Camelot to be free,
    He brought them all joy,
    And the maiden Gwenivere a bride to be,

    A knight true to Arthur came about,
    Lancelot's heart was not to be out,
    He called to Gwenivere's heart so fine,
    Only for Arthur to find out,

    A crime against a king,
    A crime against the heart,
    A crime against the brotherhood,
    Lancelot brought about the decaying start,

    The Maiden fell deeply,
    The Knight was laughing,
    The lie became bitter,
    The King was crying of broken heart,

    Arthur, Arthur,
    Where is your hymn?
    Where are the words to guide?

    Arthur, Arthur,
    A heartbroken man,
    Your only defeat was your pride.

    Some do not know,
    Some would not guess,
    Others ignored it,
    To us it is best,

    We must defy the need,
    To worry, The woe,
    The need to be destructive,
    For our hope is in stow,

    The Mighty King Arthur,
    he could not let go,
    his vision blurred,
    and his light no longer glow,

    For the heartbreak of a kingdom,
    A friend and a wife,
    A terrible tragedy,
    The era of strife,

    Arthur, Arthur,
    Where is your hymn?
    Where are the words to guide?

    Arthur, Arthur,
    A man such as I,
    Your only defeat was your pride.