• Being with you is against all I was taught,
    about a betrayal from you- I'd never have thought.

    And the fire of your love fell down from my sky,
    For me there had never been a better high.

    Soon all that changed in one quick swipe,
    I didn't know that you were the type.

    Love turned very quickly to possession,
    all the gentleness- now is aggression.

    I threatened to tell- and I knew that I would,
    You stopped that from happening-
    doing everything you could.

    You kidnapped me from my house downtown,
    and you took me to a warehouse for one last throwdown.

    I escaped from your truck- hid in the storage house,
    running through the building- quiet as a mouse.

    We hid from eachother- and all the while,
    to the nearest anything was close to a mile.

    It was a rousing game of Hide-and-Don't-Die,
    I thought as I hid behind a box full of pie.

    Then I spotted you by a crate numbered four,
    and now I realize you were guarding the door.

    I had stolen your gun- and I aimed with vigor,
    but even then I couldn't pull the trigger.

    There you were- dressed to the nines with class,
    I snuck up behind you and over your head smashed a glass.

    It was trial and error as I bound up your wrists,
    it was very difficult- your hands were clenched in fists.

    I struggled for breath as I ran through the night,
    and also fought being tired with all of my might.

    Then I stopped at the nearest police station,
    they sat me down- I gave all information.

    Police went to the warehouse to take care of the mess,
    as I sat waiting in my torn dress.

    Now my confidence has quickly risen,
    they told me you will soon be in prison.

    Now I understand a little why there's a hole in my heart,
    We went back on our vow, "Til' death do us part."

    THE END... Or Is It? emo

    - Darth Revan