• im standing on a bridg
    slowly i look down
    and i wonder
    what would hapen if i jumped.

    Staring at the river below
    I lift my foot
    and jump
    splashing into the water.

    then i remember
    some thing i should have thought of befor...
    i cant swim!

    i sruggel to go up
    but nomatter how hard i try
    i keep going down
    everything started to fade.

    but befor i closd my eyes
    i saw a big splash
    then out of lak of air passedout.

    i woke up
    laying on my couch soked
    my mother is siting beside me crying

    I ask her what was wrong
    she told me she thought she lost me
    and how she would have
    if a young travler hadnt rescued me.

    he never told his name
    but i will always me in his dept.