• Armchairs, Crap, and Frogs
    ((crap ! frogs and armchairs !))

    il était une fois
    il y a
    un crapaud
    qui était un sorcier
    le crapaud
    était un mauvais
    homme Il a ensorcelé
    un prince ; le prince est
    devenu une

    ce mauvais crapaud

    la reine était
    triste et elle est cherché
    pour son fils
    mais elle n’est le trouvé pas

    une belle princesse est
    cherché pour un
    beau prince de
    marier mais elle
    n’est trouvé personne elle
    n’est trouvé
    rien mais une

    il était une fois
    la princesse est fait
    une tarte de citrouille
    et dans les châteaux
    la reine est criée la
    jeune fille est criée et

    ce crapaud est dansé


    to be a frog
    it is
    a bunch of crap
    like being a sorcerer
    such crap
    that one is sick
    at home ensorcelled
    by prancing princes
    that aren’t really

    such sick crap

    the rain falls
    sad and searching
    pouring sun gold
    she falls trusting

    yellow-dressed princess she’s
    searching for blue-
    suited prince
    she’ll marry him
    discover him discovering
    her his may-
    queen his

    to be a frog
    loving a princess
    looking sitting
    she won’t find me
    castle-less green-suited prince
    here in the rain

    such crap is moving


    once upon a time
    there was
    who was sorcerer
    frog was
    a bad guy
    he bewitched prince;
    prince became

    that bad frog

    queen was sad
    she searched for her
    son but didn’t find him

    princess was searching
    for a handsome
    prince to marry
    but she didn’t find anyone
    she didn’t
    find anything but

    once upon a time
    princess made
    pumpkin pie
    and in the castles
    queen was crying
    princess girl was crying and

    frog was dancing


    the belief was
    that a flawed gem belonging
    to a sorcerer and
    hidden in his piano
    had placed a nasty curse
    on a man
    on a prince ; now he
    could only eat

    and sit in his armchair

    his mother cried
    knowing he would
    never be good
    be better

    the princess
    searched for
    the cursing stone
    she knew if she
    found it the prince
    would marry her
    so she looked she looked
    he sat in his armchair

    the belief was
    that the princess took
    the curse for herself
    and sat in the armchair
    but never cried
    since she was loved

    and the prince was moving