• Leaving you

    I felt your eyes on my back as I walked away.
    Fighting the urge to run back to you, to never
    leave you, to hug you tightly and have you with
    me always, to never say goodbye to you. But I
    fought it back making the tears keep falling, my
    heart keep acking for yours to come to me, my
    mind try to think again. We both knew that when
    the day came where I would have to move from
    this paradice into a place unknown, we both knew
    it would be hard to say goodbye just yet, to hug
    for the last time, to have each other there for the
    last time. But I was forced to leave my paradice
    so I couldn't do anything, not being able to have
    a say in it, not being able to have my rights to
    stay for love, nothing at all. My parents would
    look at me with pain walking slowly to them, tears
    falling down my cheek, feeling my pain, my sadness,
    my emptiness, my scene of lose. But they wouldn't
    do anything because everything was already done,
    every box was already made, everything already
    packed and ready to go, the truck waiting for us to
    come on and leave, me already in pain. As I slowly
    but painfully walked to them I felt my heart get heavier
    and heavier every step I took, my mind not thinking
    of anything but what I was feeling, many emotions of
    sandess, lose and empty,then I got onto the truck. As I
    passed by you I saw you standing in the same place
    I left you, where I hugged you tightly and kissed your
    cheek ever so slightly, where I walked away for the
    last time. I looked into your eyes and saw the same
    feelings as me, the same lose and sadness, I saw you
    missing me, your heart trying to get mine back safe
    and warm with yours. And as I passed you I mouthed
    the words 'Goodbye and I love you' and with that I was
    drivin away, tears silently coming down, my heart broken,
    leaving my paradice...leaving you.