• Father, do you see the boy sitting there in tears
    Do you see the broken wings that are there upon his back
    Father, do you see the scars that mare the poor boys heart
    Are you even listening to my crying words

    Jesus, please hear my cry that is for this boy
    Help me find a way to help this boy along
    He's not alone in this hard world i know that for a fact
    Please help him know that he is loved even if it's just by me
    Heal this boys broken wings

    I don't know what to do anymore
    I'm not even sure if I'm a help
    But Father let him know I"m here for him no matter what is wrong


    If you would only answer one request for me
    Make healing this boys wings and heart a request made from me
    He doens't have to know that its from me or know I helped
    I want no credit in this part just some way to help.

    For my dear friend Allen always know I'm here