• A plain and desolate ground
    Black as night
    Absolute flat
    Sucking, slurping sun
    Till hot as a flaming coal
    And just as black
    In the early morning
    A ghost town
    An effort made –
    In vain –
    For cheer
    Painted lines
    Placed upon the hard
    But what are lines
    To challenge the dark
    Eaten away
    Bit by bit
    From top to bottom
    Eroded away
    To a mere shade
    Of the first
    Flying up from the abyss
    Flat shields are used
    By the gremlins who
    Frolic here
    Cackling maliciously
    They pinch, grasp, and chase
    Each other
    But when night falls
    Even they must hide
    Away from the black abyss
    They call a