• She had been so many things
    She had lost too many dreams
    She looked to the sunset with dread
    She longed for the rest of the dead

    The rosy smile had long faded from her lips
    She could still taste his so sweet kiss
    But he was gone and she remained
    left to sing the sad refrain

    "The sun no longer shines on he
    The moon won't rise for me
    The darkness of death forever stains
    But it ended his enduring pains"

    She couldn't remember his face anymore
    Or hear his voice right outside her door
    He was gone so quickly from her life
    He never told her his inner strife

    But he looked to her in his final hour
    Begging her to lend him her power
    He'd been very sick for oh, so long
    Now all she can do is sing his song

    "The sun refused to shine for him
    Life denied him well-deserved wins
    He spoke to me, his voice so strained
    Asking me to end his pains..."

    The tears she cried have never waned
    Her mind and her heart and her soul are stained
    The smile on his face as he slipped away
    Haunts her every single day

    "I don't want the sun to shine on me
    The moon lit sky isn't mine to see
    I put the needle into his arm
    The only way to ease what was harmed
    His tortured body now lays at rest
    He told me that it was for the best
    But in my world it always rains
    for I inherited all his pain"