• This is a story,
    A gift for the year,
    The voice of perfection,
    I just want to hear.

    The voice that can calm me,
    Whenever I’m stressed,
    His voice is euphoric,
    As you could have guessed,

    With deep tones and mid tones,
    A voice that can make,
    My body just freeze,
    My breath it can take.

    My own voice just falters,
    Whenever it’s heard.
    The power his voice wields,
    It’s simply absurd.

    But never will I try,
    To break such a spell,
    That voice is too perfect,
    Without it is hell.

    It may seem obsessive,
    It may seem insane.
    If silence is golden,
    Then gold is my bane.

    For his voice can soothe me,
    Can make me think clear.
    This story’s not over,
    This is its third year.

    Three years I have known him,
    (Two years and some change),
    He lives miles from me,
    He’s just out of range…

    But when I need to,
    I can always ring,
    To just hear his sweet voice,
    To make my heart sing.

    I may never meet him,
    But hope I will keep.
    It’s far from impossible,
    But still far from cheap.

    And someday I feel—
    Way down in my heart—
    We’ll see one another,
    From not far apart.

    Two years and some change,
    A fight or fifteen,
    And never we’ve met,
    Though pictures I’ve seen.

    Was mine, and then wasn’t,
    More times than is smart.
    But he’ll never not,
    Have a place in my heart.

    Right now he’s another’s,
    And with that I’m fine;
    Even if I’d prefer it,
    That he would be mine.

    We’re different in action,
    We’re different in taste—
    I’m hyper and freaky,
    He’s calm and well based.

    We make a good team,
    My mind he has read;
    That’s why I so love him,
    Plus what I have said.

    A poem for Christmas,
    In lieu of a gift;
    I hope that he likes it,
    And isn’t too miffed…

    His voice is just perfect,
    More so than the rest—
    To TN from AV,
    I wish you the best.