• your hiding
    the things i see and hear
    are a mask over whats real the truth

    what you are and what you write
    is it real?
    is it the truth
    what can it be
    that you hide behind your mask
    ive wondered why
    what are you afraid of
    ive wished what can it be

    curiousity boggles my mind
    what is it that scars you
    it taughnts me
    what you write
    mkaes my mind scared of what your not telling

    what is wrong that i cant see
    this is not for me i wish to know
    it is for you

    for your pain you hide to which i never see b
    but every while i see a touch of it
    the 'it' that brings you into your dome of pain

    im here yet somehow you cant see me
    i shout and shout yet you dont hear me
    is it that you cant hear me or that you wont hear me

    you wont let yourself believe
    that mabe you need help

    your never goning to understand
    that i speak out of care and care alone

    help me help me
    these words are words
    i never want to hear from you
    but these are words i feel you need to say
    save yourself and let me help

    by srd sakura