• Catalyst! Cataclysm? Catastrophe?
    Changes hath been wrought inside of me.
    Be it change recent? Change just discovered?
    Secret awareness, wisdom, ignorance uncovered?
    Headfirst I plummet further into something.
    Feet first I dive into nothing.
    Heightened awareness of my own unawareness.
    Utterly, wonderfully, enlightened befuddlement.
    An oxymoron? May be.
    What are you? What are we?
    Does it matter? Don't you see?
    Programmed is our life for apathy.
    What is the answer? The question? The mystery?
    "Ask the one who knows" says she
    But the only one who knows is me
    And the answer eludes me adamantly.
    Simple it is to feel empathy
    When suffering from life second-hand.
    Suffering I said? Nay. Suffering be damned.
    I embrace this bewilderment, confusion, chaos.
    Inter it in my mind. Bedlam of sound mind.
    Pandemonium raging. Maelstrom engaging.
    Consciousness plaguing. The END.

    The Beginning.