• ~*Tears*~

    Can't I crawl under something?
    Lock myself away
    Hide beneath the bed sheets
    Just cry all day

    How long must I cry tonight?
    I don't think they see me
    I cry all day and never stop
    But no one seems to see me

    I'll just cry until I'm dry
    Maybe try to fix things
    Let my heart cry a while more
    What sort of healing is this?

    Tears to heal my heart and hurt
    Tears to flood away the world
    Tears of blood to make my point
    And cancel out the pain

    Touches to fix the wrong
    Hugs to sooth the hurt
    Kisses raining down on me
    But sliding through my hands

    Loneliness to make it hurt
    Denial numbing out the feeling
    Help me thaw out my heart
    Don't make me be alone again

    Grasp the dream and hold it tightly
    This dream called "happiness"
    Something hold me through the night
    Carry me through my pain

    Tears to heal my head and heart
    Tears to flood away the world
    Tears of blood to make my point
    And cancel out the pain