• heart

    I found you
    The long lost broken piece of crazy that matches mine
    The perfect balance of insanity with absolute love
    One day I’ll have you in the most unselfish and loving way
    A true love with no jealousy and drama
    A selfless person to have and hold close
    I tell myself she’ll be gone soon
    That we won’t have to shame away our love in secret
    But no matter how much the rope frays it never seems to break
    She’s always right back at your side
    I see her in your arms taking your tender kisses
    As I walk by invisible
    Never allowed to be noticed or waved at in away way
    Not even a glance
    I give as much love to you as I can without it being too much for you to handle
    You return the love but still attempt to keep us both, Insisting she’ll be gone
    I wish to fall asleep on your comfy bed in your arms
    But that aching thought always lingers that I cannot truly have you
    Not yet.