• Mr. Wrong

    I look around every corner for Mr. Right. If I found him would be such a sight. I know I won't find him but at least the sun is shining and I haven't a care in the world. Then I run into Mr. Wrong.

    Mr. Wrong was my best friend it didn't last too long. We were only kids and our love ran out. We thought we could make it but I guess his name suits this situation. Wrong.

    I look around every corner for Mr. Right. If I found him would be such a sight. I know I won't find him but at least the sun is shining and I haven't a care in the world. Then I run into Mr. Wrong.

    Now I sit around waiting for my best friend to call saying "I found him!" we scream for a while. Then we would sit around talking about our old boyfriends. I'd ask what he was like. She would go ahead and list his many qualities. I knew from the start he was Mr. Wrong.

    I look around every corner for Mr. Right. If I found him would be such a sight. I know I won't find him but at least the sun is shining and I haven't a care in the world. Then I run into Mr. Wrong.