• What am I to do with this life? Some people just take a knife and end there own life. I take a stand and show them that I can without a scare to show that I am there. I will prove that even when life is not quite there we can still be there with arms wide open to embrace the life that will pass us by if we just look at it with a snare. I will not show a weakness to this life that is just there. Most people let the time run by while they try to find out what is happen instead of what can happen. This is what I feel to be true in this game of life I will try to take a stand and show that I can with out a dare of taking my own life. I will stand strong to what I believe. I will show that I am no puppet of time or life. It is hard for most people to do that with out a knife. I don’t understand why most people would just want to take there own life. I been there so close to end my life to show that I don’t care of what is there but I stood tall and I showed them all that even when life is to strong to bare we will stand tall with out a dare to not care. Most people will read this with out a care but I will still be there to prove that even when thing are not there we still can be there. Most people will not understand what I express in this my word are just keys to what I believe is true and it is hard to see. I am here to write to tell that life is always there