• I see you yet I can't stop you.
    I watch you, always angry, always yelling.
    I wonder why.
    I've seen you steal, cheat, cause others pain.
    I want to stop you and ask why you do these things but I can't beacause..
    You are me.
    I am you.

    Why doesn't someone stop me?
    Why can't I stop myself?

    I see your face in the mirror.
    How I hate you.
    To see you with my eyes, my body, my life.
    How I hate myself.

    What is this monster controling me?
    Or am I the monster?

    Someone, anyone please help me.
    I don't understand why this is happening.
    I want to scream for help but you stop me.
    You like my pain.
    You love to control me, make me feel like a puppet.

    Why is this happening to me?
    Is this the real me breaking free?