• Every day I’m falling; well, that’s just the way it feels.
    Seemed often in a bad way, but now I’m head over heels.
    I don’t know what you see here, but I’m not sure if I care
    ‘Cause I melt right in your hands whenever you touch my hair.
    I’m happy to fin’lly say what I really feel inside
    Because, with you, it’s easy; I no longer have to hide.
    I don’t think my emotions could truly be kept secret
    And right now, what I’m thinking is that I’m so glad we met.
    Even though it hasn’t been long, I don’t want to imagine
    What my life would be like if we’d had no chance to begin.
    When we’re together, it seems like there’s nothing we can’t achieve;
    Just remember, when you go, you take the heart from my sleeve.
    Never thought I’d find a man as marvelous as you are;
    I thought I’d seen all there was, and yet you still raised the bar.
    Ev’ry time you leave my side, it makes me feel like crying
    And you’d better know it’s true; believe me, I’m not lying.
    Life is angry, it’s a mess; life is crazy, it can harm;
    So I’ll spend it here with you, safely held in your strong arms.
    I don’t even remember falling like that, so quickly
    But I do recall landing, ‘cause you were there to catch me.