• ((stupid description not letting me finish)) In anycase... Over the years, over all the songs that i have written, this one has held a special place in my heart. I have adapted piano music to it as well, ((which sounds better then reading it on its own lol)).
    So i hope you enjoy this short song, and i hope to be updating a few more in the next commming weeks....
    ((ok now im done.. you can go read...))

    Wind through the water,
    The Oceans calm....
    I feel all alone
    When you are gone....

    Over, and over...
    I need you, by my side...

    My life feels so empty,
    Without you...
    My lips keep on whispering
    Your name...

    Holding onto, the tips of your love
    Is making me crazy,
    I just cant go on..

    When you tell me
    You know how i feel.
    Take this moment to realise...
    You dont understand us.

    Take Back those feelings of remorse,
    And buckle yourself in for the ride of a life time