• Awoken by the creaking of my heart
    So empty
    so cold

    Original sin opened its doors
    No feeling?
    Only pain
    but without you I could only stand so much

    I saw you crying in the gloom of my heart
    Looking for someone?
    Or looking for something?

    How I wanted to hold you
    How I needed you with me

    Now is not the time to feel like that
    My heart aches for the love I once felt

    But my appearance
    My limitations
    My flaws don't allow

    Shackled down
    Burned like an insect

    I mustered up the courage to sit by you
    But couldn't speak

    You held my arm and wept
    Anxious on what to do
    To hold you
    Or to pull away

    Before I spoke a word
    You reached for my heart

    You felt nothing
    As you had already taken it

    Happily I grabbed your hand
    My gloom turned divine

    Your heart in mine
    Mine in yours
    Together as one

    No longer will I bear the pain
    No longer will I stand on the side

    Now is the time
    To make you mine

    A proposal?
    A marriage?

    Be with me forever
    Exchanging I love you's and
    I do's

    Together with you
    Forever with you