• Raping me was fun for him.
    After, he asked me how I liked it.
    Perhaps he already lived in a cell,
    Ex-communicated, soul-deaf.
    I told him and he laughed, stroked me.
    So? He was boss. On top.
    A woman wanted that, no?
    Crying, crying, I said nothing.
    Rape was a wound across my sky.
    I saw blackness beyond the blue.
    My life was twisted, like those girders
    Earthquakes throw brutally to the ground.
    After such helplessness, what hope?
    Going on with my life in blackness,
    A black sky, black rage in my heart,
    In my mind an endless blackness,
    Nothing within me but blackness
    Screamed at the father no longer there,
    The screams like walls I took with me,
    The walls of screams protecting me,
    How could I love without seeing?
    Even so, the light pierced me,
    Shattering the cell of fury,
    Opening my heart again
    Under a new sun, once more
    Laughing in the chill of fear.