• You think I am a plain white girl,
    WIth brains and common sense.
    A girl who lives a happy life,
    Without a single drop of strife.
    Indeed I may seem happy, almost all the time
    But in truth I tell you now,
    The girl you see is a mask;
    It covers sad grief underneath.
    The pain I fel has no compare;
    It would make a grown man fall.
    My heart has lost a dear blessed soul.
    A soul that has moved on to live with God in heaven.
    But I know that in time to come,
    I will see it once again,
    So now I sit here and wait,
    A happy face always on.

    I have waited for the time to come
    Whem my heart will heal in full
    But when I look around I see her
    In everything I do
    The one's who used to feel the same
    Seem as if their time with her was part of a separate life
    She takes no part in their lives anymore
    Her memory is being lost
    I know in me she'll always live, as healthy as can be.