• The Delusion of myself expressed in a reflected mirror which i knew was fake. Destroying it while the shattered glass surrounds me and each particle of glass that falls over me inside every grain I either seethe past or the future. Which one seems right? watching the blood that drips from my injured hand its smiling devilishly becoming entwined with the glass that has still covered me. I feel suffocated , I feel trapped within the walls of the past and the future that is deceasing my mind to extinction. The blood from my wound speaks to me with malicious intent with the burning desire to see more blood with more pressure building I explode with unimaginable and exponential energy as if everything inside,outside, around me has vanished as if I was in a world of white mist. Such an image has seemed familiar but yet not familiar I take a deep breath and move forward knowing what all to come at me deep within the abyss before me.