• Silent, a still drive into the horizon,
    Intoxicating fears unsheathed like the sword of a samurai.
    Barren, blankets of unexplored darkness up ahead,
    Light yet to dawn upon the dangers awakening.
    Arctic, the winter snow blocking the path,
    Ice roaming the lands without rivalry.

    Fingers linger,
    And cadence fills the air.
    Silence, I break,
    The rhythmic beat of palm against wheel,
    Eyes lucent with the chivalry of a knight.

    The glide of a hand,
    And the streets ahead brightened by streams of blinding white.
    Darkness, I ignite,
    The road's abrupt curve handled gracefully,
    Paths to be followed effulgent with rays of light.

    The tip of the elbow,
    And warmth invades the brigade of ice.
    Cold, I melt,
    The visible breath fading away,
    Heart of passionate flames living in a world of frost.

    Drum solo echoes,
    And fingers struggle to catch up with the beat.
    Lights flicker dimly,
    And eyes strain to make out the approaching curve.
    Warmth cooling down,
    And lips purse together in a vain attempt to stop shivering.

    Slipping, the song draws to an end,
    Bass hitting a low note before concluding with hushed words.
    Fading, the lights flicker once more,
    An evanescent silhouette disappearing in the distance.
    Fleeting, the heat evaporating completely,
    Biting chill enveloping the vehicle.

    A slow stop, brisk breaths.
    Shivers no longer compressed, car door abruptly pulled open from the outside.
    Hazy rays of lamp light in midair, wobbling and bouncing back and forth.

    Tempo of a muffled song in the distance heard over the resonating sound,
    Standing up, the door of the glossy black truck clicks shut once more.

    Then there were bright eyes and a goofy grin,
    Accompanied by a "You're late," before being ushered into the warmth,
    With a light and a laugh guiding the way.