• don't blink.
    for you might lose your mind.
    the memories you cherish most.
    the thoughts that consumed your dreams of what would take over your reality.
    the memorized pictures of the things you loved most.
    don't blink.
    for you might lose your speech.
    the things you wish you'd said before it was too late.
    the words that would caress the mind of the ones you loved.
    the sentences that consume the lives of others.
    don't blink.
    for you might lose your feeling.
    the touch of him.
    the sensation of loving and being loved.
    the feelings you once had for the people who consumed your life.
    don't hurt.
    for memories fade.
    speech becomes useless.
    and feeling won't matter.
    don't blink.
    'cause you'll miss everything.
    the hurt of the memory this will become.
    the words that will be useless moments from now.
    the feelings that only brought hurt.
    don't blink.
    don't speak.
    don't feel.
    don't remember.
    don't regret.