• The world can be cruel and harsh
    also at times unforgiving
    You get through it ok at times
    then like that your suffering

    Sometimes your sake doesn't matter
    Your friends can ditch you
    and your family say goodbye
    You start to think "What the hell
    is going on in my life?"

    Around you, your world is changing
    for the utmost worst
    You try to fix it
    but you have no such luck

    Then the thoughts come to you
    of either murder or suicide.
    It consumes you no matter
    how hard you try not to let it.

    You seek others to help you
    Yet they reufse and leave a void
    Your coming close to being alone

    Everyone you once knew GONE!!!
    You hold the gun in your hand
    Deciding what to do with the
    bullets in it's chamber

    "Put the bullets through my head
    or someone else's?"-"Why is it hard?"

    Someone comes along--Your love you
    thought thay was gone
    They try to help you
    but only hurt you more

    You put one through them
    Thier blodd splattered on your face
    You break down in your falling world

    Not knowing what the hell to do
    Having noone to turn to, and having
    no place to go.

    You kiss the lips of your dead lover
    Then you put it through your head
    Finally lying still--gun in hand
    on top of your lover.........