• I'm venting because of you.
    The intimacy and smiling isn't enough.
    You're playing me like a puppet.
    You're using me for your own personal slave.
    We've fought for so long.
    Why cant we just get along?
    I hate you, but I love you,
    How will this work out?
    These things I tell you so kindly, I question myself.
    Am I really telling the truth?
    You make me do the things you want,
    Yet the things I get in return just dont seem to be enough.
    You waste my time
    You whine and cry.
    I don't know what to do anymore.
    I feel hatred for you inside of me.
    But I would never leave you for the world.
    You want me to be with you someday,
    Yet I can hardly stand to be around you.
    Why do I feel this way?
    Why is it hate?
    I want it to end, but your hand is so warm.
    I feel like it's hurting you.
    I'm tired of this s**t, but I can't let you go.
    I'm at the fork in the road,
    And both paths lead to miserable, depressing, and regret.