• "Your religion is foolish!
    Give up your moral ways!
    Look to the future as I
    With a secular gaze!
    Your backwater ways are done;
    Do not be intolerant!
    Would you rather live life free
    Or still be a servant
    To your God and your morals?
    Embrace the new morning!
    See that our ways are correct
    And take our fair warning!
    Persecution follows your days
    Unless you lose your moral ways."

    "Sir, correct me if I speak wrong,
    But do you condemn my ways
    Because I see good and evil
    Not through your secular gaze?
    But through the way I’ve been taught
    To call a spade a spade?
    And not sugarcoat my words
    Or turn a lemon to lemonade?
    And then you threaten me so,
    Demand that I accept you?
    And forsake my sacred beliefs,
    And my religion too?
    One thing’s come clear during your rant
    That you’re the one who’s intolerant."