• There has always been a question that everyone in the world has a different answer to. What is the meaning of life? I am pretty sure that everyone has at least once in there life asked themselves this question. If not, then eventually sometime down the line they will. Everyone has their own opinion about this question, well here is mine. I think the meaning of life is to just...live. Thats it, no hidden meanings behind it. We as people were put on this earth to do something with our lives. But no as ever said what we had to do. Look at all the homeless people, people dying in 3rd world countries, rich people, poor people and the middle class people. I dont think its what you do with your life, its how you live your life. Everyday is always a different circle, its routine everyday for everybody, maybe slight differences during the day, but still the same. This is just my view on life. I say live your life everyday as if it were your last, i do and most people i know do. Just look at things for more than what it is and you will understand what i mean.