• I sit inside this box and think.
    I think about how I'll survive this.
    Going crazy is whats happening to me in this box.
    Freedom to do what I want when I want is gone.
    My freedom gone is going to kill me slowly.
    I miss my freedom, its what I enjoy most.
    In this box my spirit is breaking.
    When it does I shall never be the same.
    I look out and watch the birds with envy.
    They can do what they want, but I cant.
    I am told when to sleep, bath, eat and everything else.
    Then I wake up crying because I hated that box,
    but my love is still in that box.
    He tells me what its like in that box.
    The tales scare me and I dream them up,
    only to cry later because I know someone is in there.
    One day however my love will leave that box.
    Then that day we will be together.
    Time will make us forget about that box forever.