• You separate others
    Some one cries
    They feel misunderstood
    Lies are told
    There is no truth to behold
    Secrets are broken
    Hearts break in two
    Friendships are selfish
    Jelousy is felt
    Nothing more can we do
    This is life
    All stop trying to change it
    We give up
    Looking up in the sky we wonder why
    Why oh why do we do this
    Sadness is all around
    Even when the holidays come around
    The holidays are sad days
    for some every day is just like another
    Why can't we love each other
    Everyone loves in misery
    They wait for there world to change
    but every day it stays the same
    Reality is what we want to escape
    But forever until death we beleive in fate
    Until then we will find the world is never right
    Dream life as it should be
    Because it stays the same as we see
    There is no perfect world
    Just perfect days
    Day by day it stays one way
    As the days, weeks, months and years so by this does not change
    As reality stays the same