• There are many thoughts and fantasies
    Wandering in my head.
    While i dream about you,
    And when i am asleep in my bed,
    I wish many things
    I wish with no fear
    That right here besides me
    You would be here.

    I wish you could tell me
    In person every day
    Just how much you love me
    And never would we say
    To go our separate ways.
    It would just break my heart
    To have to know
    That we were apart

    A dream can go
    Where a wish cannot.
    A dream can bring true
    What a wish never thought.
    When i dream about you
    You'reholding my hand.
    My feelings for you;
    These I never planned.

    Gazing at the stars
    On a dark, cold night,
    We utter sweet words
    Under the pale moonlight
    If you were here beside me,
    I could look at you.
    It would all come together;
    That you are my dream come true.

    I am smiling as i realize
    That I miss being next to you,
    I wish that I could be with you
    Every day of the year
    So i can say the words
    You know so well
    "I Love You"