• There once was a girl, pale as the brightest moon.
    Pretty she was, one of the finest belles around.
    Always dressed in the grandest silks.
    She had many things that would be said to keep anyone happy,
    toys, friends, riches, beauty, anything anyone could desire,
    anything but the ability to leave her home.
    Her parents were odd people.
    They always kept her inside.
    Windows and blinds were shut where ever she was,
    Not a single beam of sunlight ever entered this house.
    They walked around with candles and saw things by it's light.
    She never quite knew why.
    Oh how she wanted to see that light,
    she has heard how wonderful the outside world is,
    from many people that visit.
    She would spend from minutes, to hours, to days,
    just wondering what is out there.
    Several times have she pleaded to her parents,
    and they have said no to her an a regular basis.
    Being the obedient child she was,
    she did not leave,
    Not like she could though,
    all doors were chained with locks,
    all were impossible to break.
    She gave up trying something like that years ago.
    However, one day,
    one door was not locked,
    it seems as though they forgotten.
    she cracked the door open,
    then stared out into what was this world,
    it was like nothing she has ever seen.
    Excited she burst out of the house and into the direct sunlight.
    she was gone.
    You see, that little girl vanished into the light,
    and all that was left was her silk dress.
    When her parents came home,
    oh how they grieved. The one they tried so hard to protect,
    was destroyed.
    Nothing but a gown that only left sorrow in their hearts.
    What they knew not was that,
    she never left entirely,
    she became this light.
    She is the light, which is why,
    she could not avoid this fate.
    Still now she gazes onto this world,
    happy as she can be,
    just as beautiful as she was,
    when she was human.