he toke me away...
straight off my feet...
out to the bay...
as my dreams had once showed...
he toke me up in his eyes...
in his little fairy tale he showed me...
his smile so perfect...
his kisses...
oh those kisses upon my neck...
i became so breathless...
as he said his good byes...
as he went home...
he did not go home...
for he went to the mall...
he met her...
he toke her away...
out to the bay...
he showed her his little fairy tale...
he kissed her neck as he had done mine...
oh how i would not stand for this...
i saw her the next day...
and told her it all...
that i had been in his fairy tale for longer than her...
and that we both should leave it...
she said she too had been in his fairy tale as long as i...
and this we both would not stand for...
we went to him...
and we destroyed his fairy tale...
when i saw his eyes, his fairy tale yet again in school...
i refused to go again...
for he had another girl with me the first round in his fairy tale...
but he was not done yet...
she went back for more...
but how..? he had me in his fairy tale as long as her...
and she still went back for more...
i guess his fairy tale is that strong...
his fairy tale is now gone for i...
and i have another guys fairy tale i am in...
and i like this one better...
much better...
His little fairytale...
this is about my ex. yes he did cheat on me...
but i have moved on... his name i must not say...
not in public... but if you are a friend i will tell you...
in this poem 'his fairy tale' is like his lie.... or his minipulation...
enjoy! ^^ and please leave comments... ^^
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Well, I just wrote this,
This was a school assignmen...
This is a poem I wrote back...
The beauty of snow. I'm wr...
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