• once again the snow melts
    the trees come down
    the sweets get eaten

    presents are opened
    then put aside
    the excitement is gone
    along with the surprise

    this in the name of my birthday
    celebrations where held
    but yet my name
    was nowhere said

    i was locked out in the cold
    as a fat man in red
    people prefered
    because of gifts everyone wants
    but get thrown away
    after a week's gone by

    fun as it is
    because the fat man
    is a friend of mine
    and would be sad
    at what they say

    i have no place
    at my own birthday party
    the date is off but as i say
    even if it's off so long as they
    but now they strip
    my rights from it

    an excuse to party
    and have fun and for treats
    crashing the party
    that was ment for me

    year after year passes
    and it gets worse
    they recognize
    a presidents birthday
    but won't even
    admitt to my worth

    in sadness i see this every year
    not for myself
    but for others who
    miss the point of my being
    for they are lost
    the real gift was me
    but they leave it under the tree