• What is the word life?
    What does it mean?
    To me life is full of challenges; life is where you have to choose between right or wrong.
    A place where if you are awkward and different people may hate or not like you.
    My life is not a life is just a burning fire that keeps growing and growing inside of me, a fire that no longer can be stop...
    However, why should I complain... my life is not that terrible and even if it was, I could never compare it to poor people around the globe.
    They have a harder time with life... but after all that hardship they would not change it for anything. No matter how hard life has been they will still love it.
    So what is LIFE?
    What does it mean to you?
    Would you change it? Or not?
    I wouldn't not in a million years. Sometimes I wish I did, but I have many good things that I would not dare to.