• Do we really run because we’re scared? Of course, but more importantly we run because we need to run. We’re cowards, amateurs, we can’t handle anything. Clearly we run to get away, but not from anything in particular, except maybe our own thoughts. Maybe we’re scared of ourselves. Our capacities as humans, for love and loss and pain and happiness and we’re so scared that the only thing we know how to do is leave it all. We don’t want to think because then we’ll remember, and when you remember you begin to feel. It’s so much easier to be numb, not to think, just to run. Not to get out of anywhere, but to make sure you’re not getting anywhere new. We’re liars. We’re not running for the cause or the outcome or to feel good, we’re running to distract. We’re done when our heads are as empty as our shoes, we’re done when it’s gone, when it’s over and the timers have stopped. Not because time’s run out, but because it’s never ending and impossible and illogical and infinite. And we instantly understand absolutely nothing, in the same way that forever is less appealing than tomorrow.