• The Ending

    Walking from life into death and darkness the hidden one swaying only in confidence.
    She walks alone and tears stream her face reflecting gold in the waterways.
    She stops and stands still waiting for her life to end and the reign of dark to begin
    She sits down and looks around noting the things around her becoming shaded and hidden from view.
    The light falters and yet she can still see clearly.
    She can see those who would wish her ill and can see where she should and could have been stronger.
    She can see all the people who only wanted to take from her and never give.
    She sees all she has done and feels she could have done more.
    She then sees the person standing in front of her shaking his head and saying no.
    Telling her she couldn't have done more and should have done less.
    Telling her he wishes he could still see her.
    Watching the tears stream from his face the dark around him fades.
    She sees him sitting in a bed and looking to a ceiling her standing next to it.
    She can see the tears lining his own face as he lays down and attempts to sleep.
    She then lays next to him knowing he can't feel her.
    She cries the entire time until she can't see anything anymore.
    When she can see again she can feel him holding her.
    She can feel his breath in his chest as she looks up and he is fast asleep.
    Tears fall from her eyes again as she hugs him to her tightly and pets his head.
    She rocks back and forth slowly as he wakes in her arms and looks to her.
    His mouth moves but she hears no words.
    His eyes shine but she sees the sadness in them.
    She suddenly feels herself falling as she is surrounded by darkness once more.
    This time she doesn't see anything.
    This time there's no more light to see.