• Oh Charlie, my doggy, my precious, my dear
    your barking is loud and obnoxious to hear
    and when I am trying to sleep late at night
    obnoxious loud barking will give me a fright

    He's tied to a tree at the edge of the yard
    my poor Charlie, it seems, has become a great 'tard
    He's bored as a tree stump and that's why he barks
    I'm glad I don't ride a bus like Rosa Parks

    Yes my poor doggy barks but he's not alone
    and it's about the other three dogs I will moan
    They're sweet as can be, if a little bit crazy
    barking at cows are Jet, Coco, and Daisy

    My eyes are dried out and my thoughts are all mud
    and I go through the day like a cow chewing cud
    Yes my poor doggy's barking makes me lose sleep
    nothing would rhyme here except the word “gleep”

    What'd you expect? It's almost five in the morn'
    My poor Charlie's barking has made me forlorn
    My room has windows facing front yard and back
    so I'm sometimes subjected to a double attack

    This barking at night has left me with shame
    and I now have a month's worth of tardies to claim
    My arrival each day causes my teacher to glare
    as after the tardy bell I scoot to my chair

    All I want is to sleep but it seems like a curse
    My Charlie's barking is a torture; the worst
    I know tomorrow night it will happen again
    That's why on weekends I like to sleep in.