• Today i find myself darkening into the deep abyss, the deep abyss that forms my life. today i find that i can no longer lagh or smile
    never can i cry again they are all gone... i wasted! them! all! on! you!
    i cannot ever see anything buuut daarkness surrounding me etenally
    never ending!
    Today i fiind i never feel happines and joy any more
    only pain anger and sadness!
    today i find i no longer hope for success i`ve given up
    my heart is broken! my heart is broken! in a thousand piece puzzle
    i cant put it back together again
    i try and i try but i cant i`ve given up forever
    there is no more hope for me now
    dont worry about me i`m fine im dead
    i died a long time ago i feel nothing but pain anger and sadness
    but dont worry about me im already dead
    there`s only a hollow shell left,
    there`s nothing left
    i tought i was in love but i was wrong now my heart is gone i threw it away
    wasted thats wat my heart was wasted when i should still have it
    it`s all over now because of that it happened and then i relized my heart was wasted it was wasted! on you!
    why did you do this to meeeee! i did all i could to love you! i loved you with all !myyyy! heeeaaart! but apperently i`ve failed you! i didnt love you enough! or was i because my heart was to small?!?! did you even evr love me at all
    or was it a game you made for me
    a sick twisted game that destoryed me! that broke my heart into a thousand million pieces! wat did i ever do to you to make you do this to me! III LOOVVED YYOOU!! I LLOOVVEED YYOOUU! you and your sick twisted self! how could i never see through your act! That game killed me! Yooouuu kkiiillleeeddd meeee! i cant believe you! i cant believe you would do this to me!
    wat did i ever do to you! to make you kill me! to make you kill me! you are the reason for my pain anger and sadneesss! you are the reeeaaasssooonnn! wat did i do to you! wat did i do to deserve this! do you have nooo heeaarrrtt?!?! you lead me on and then stabbed me rite throouuugh the heart
    i was kiiiilllleeeedddd by you a thousand million pieces!