• I could paint a pretty picture
    With my words, like acid, out of my mouth
    I could preach a thousand strictures
    And prove to you that anyone can doubt

    I can tell a thousand lies
    Say a thousand psalms and be protected
    I can kill a million flies
    And still not be the one selected, for their petty news

    I can be resurrected a thousand times
    Live a thousand and one nights
    Have your master preach me my rights
    Kill me for my crimes

    All I can see, today and yesterday
    Is all the same, as it will be tomorrow
    And we’ll lead you astray
    From the worms that you follow
    You cannot survive, sleep your days away
    Flee your days

    I can speak of a few nightmares
    Taunt you in your sleep
    In this state, I must declare
    That you are little more than the sheep

    I can be your herder
    Your very own messiah
    Just another social pariah
    And we confused, once again, the crusade for murder

    And the whispering of their souls
    Will forever haunt my own
    I cannot let her down

    All I can see, today and yesterday
    Is all the same, as it will be tomorrow
    And we’ll lead you astray
    From the worms that you follow
    You cannot survive, sleep your days away
    Escape your days