• The Game, the Pride, the Glory
    By: HAZARD13

    The scoreboard reads 20 and 15
    Home needs the touchdown to win
    The defense is weakening them one by one
    First the wide receiver
    Then the halfback
    Now our star quarterback
    Things dont look good for us
    But hope still stands

    We chant, we sing, we yell, we scream
    The light shows us the goal
    Like heavens light showing us our haven
    Its 1st down and 10
    4th quarter
    1 minute till game
    Both sides under pressure
    No timeouts to spare
    Our coach losing his mind
    Our players praying for the win
    Our families watching and waiting for the snap
    Its our time
    Its time to win

    We run on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
    No luck at all
    Throw on 4th
    It brings us closer to home
    10 yards feels like a mile
    A look at the clock brings us down
    But we dont give up
    We dont give in

    We pass on the 1st and 2nd
    8 yard gain
    On third we throw
    Its going, its going, its...
    Look at the clock
    10 seconds left
    Our hopes
    Our dreams
    The chance to gain our schools glory looks far off
    But 10 seconds is all we need
    10 seconds to get that touchdown
    10 seconds for me to lead my team to victory

    We line up
    I wait for the ball
    Some of us breath hard
    Some of us stare the defense down
    Some of us make silent prayers
    I wait for the ball
    There is the snap

    Doing the option
    Juking #5
    8 seconds left
    Im not out of time
    I run
    I run
    I run to safety
    I jump
    Defense on top of me
    My hope fades

    But the whistle blows
    The crowd cheers
    The families cry
    The team raise their arms
    The coach is drenched in sports drink
    I see the referee
    Two hands in the air
    I'm in shock
    I look to my right
    The line is right where my chin is
    I close my eyes
    I scream in victory
    We won

    The score is 20 - 21
    Our win streak is 12 - 0
    Our perfect year
    We won