• A scream of desperation stirs a silent thought

    filled with rage and malice when peace was all it saught

    The ashes of the body fall upon the ground

    Chains leap from underneath, to another they are bound

    A new victim of the pain, someone else has now been chained.

    The locks and all the shackles, by blood they have been stained.

    The sticks and stones once thrown, now seem like pleasant dreams.

    The thoughts of cherished memories, parting at thier seams.

    The soul once given to its host, starts to fade away.

    The vivid sight of life has now begun to sway.

    One last thought given form, its words apon two lips.

    Before its lost to time, that single answer slips.

    If one wants to live, before ones life has faded.

    The soul must lose the burdens of the heart that they’ve once shaded.

    Behind a life lies nothing, it’s everything once seen.

    It’s the dead rose that lies before one, each thorn thats shed a scream.

    The chains reced beneath two feet, broken and undone.

    The prey is now the hunter the war, it has been won.

    That pain that was a flame, is now a dying coal.

    The answer has rebuilt its host, and once again is whole.

    Charred skin replaced with love, and wings they have been given.

    A stairway leading upward, so the soul may go on living.