• The First Holiday

    Today’s the first holiday without you
    You know I’m trying to be strong
    And I will make it through this day
    Though the hours will feel so long

    Your presence has been so large in my life
    And your spirit will always be with me
    You’re like the billion stars in the sky
    Always there even when I can’t see

    Today especially you’ll be everywhere
    As we cook and prepare the Thanksgiving meal
    I can already see your smile, hear your voice
    And yes, even your embrace I will feel

    I’m trying not to cry
    But the tears start to flow
    I know it will get easier
    But when? I want to know

    When I feel lost and alone I think of your love
    And my heart doesn’t ache quite so bad
    You always accepted your little “Annie Girl”
    Whether I was good, or bad, or happy or sad

    I have the love of a good man now
    And yes, I know you love him too
    Because you know he won’t hurt me
    You know his love is true

    So Happy Thanksgiving!
    I know you send your love
    From where you are in Heaven
    Smiling down and embracing those you love