• Every mind is one World
    There is a galaxy within our galaxy
    There is a universe in our body
    And a very milky way in our eyes

    Because sometimes milk gets in the way
    And we see the world all cloudy
    And sometimes we cry over the spilled milk
    And later we learn not to cry over it
    Eventually we see clear again

    With every lesson learned
    A new planet gets added to our solar system
    And shooting stars go off in our heart
    To celebrate it

    Sometimes black holes get created
    And they suck in all the bright stars
    But you can’t see what you lost
    Until someone tells you
    “hey, you lost some stars”

    And you can’t get them back.

    Sometimes you can’t even remember what you lost
    Or how it looked liked
    Or what it felt liked

    Just like that
    It gets sucked in.

    And sometimes people tell you
    “oh there’s no way other galaxies exist. This is the only one”
    And you meet someone else
    And they tell you
    “hey, come into my world”

    And you realize that your galaxy was always intertwined everyone else
    You just didn’t explore your world enough to see it
    And together you make ideas and stories
    About how far your galaxy goes
    How big those stars really are
    How fast that meteor is going
    But you won’t dare find out

    If you automatically knew all the contents of your world
    Why would you bother looking any farther?
    The stars in your sky would seem dull
    The moon would just be a rock
    Not the life of the party at night
    Like it usually is


    Just a rock.

    And the sun would be
    Just a selfish dying star
    On its deathbed it the black sky
    Awaiting its final breaths
    So it can leave the earth cold

    The sun would be greedy
    And take our lives with it

    It wouldn’t be the beautiful creation it is

    If we knew all its properties
    The mystery of the sun
    And why it hangs there without any strings
    In the middle of our solar system
    It just wouldn’t be the center of everything anymore

    It would be just a dying star
    That passes us by


    Just a