• A brand new begining has risen from ashes;
    emerging: a chance to be free.
    New meaning is given to thirty-nine lashes,
    and glory cascades around me.

    The road won't be easy as never it has been.
    For now, I rest in your peace.
    I know I can trust you through all that will happen.
    We can do that, at the least.

    I hope with my heart, and pray with my soul
    that it's different, this time, than before.
    You have lifted me up from my lowest of low.
    How could I ask for more?

    The Darkness has gone, with peace in it's place.
    I'm sudenly empty of fear.
    The shackles are lost, the pain is replaced,
    no more am I burdened with tears.

    I can't think of any word great enough,
    I can't make a loud enoguh sound,
    to express the completeness and gentle love,
    to describe the place that I've found.

    I know it can't last; pain is clenched in my fist,
    and soon will come tha rain.
    I linger where you are, forgetting my list.
    I won't hear the calling of pain.

    As much as I long to go home,
    there's work to do here.
